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Building Bridges
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Bulding Bridges" did contribute to 3 networks: Drums for Peace-network, Union of Baltic Cities (UBC) and to "Exchanges for All" (EFA) a new cooperation, which aims at exporting non-formal learning-experiences as e.g. youth-exchanges to the school-sector. "Bulding Bridges" did consists of 2 parts: a) 4 EVS-mobiltites (with IT, LV & RO) of 9 months each b) 2 youth-exchanges (with LV, LT & PL), one in Guldborgsund, DK and one in Liepaja, LV, which both did contribute to "Exchanges for All", and they did together involve 87 participants.



Projet Website

6 Participants partenaires