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Bringing parent education to Europe
Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Bringing parent education to EuropeOur foundation has been involved in parent education for 6 years, and has been sharing the Parenting by Connection approach with parents and professionals in Hungary and other European countries. Parent education is a neglected and not well recognised are of education, due to the low status of child rearing in our societies. However, parent education has the true potential of addressing and eliviating most social problems, in fact, it is the parent-child connectedness that by research has been identified as the most important protective factor for young people and the most reliable predictor of living a satisfying adult life. The Parenting by Connection approach was developed in the USA and is now gaining widespread recognition all over the world. We are among the first organistaions to share it in Europe. With the present project, we aim to bring our expertise in supporting parents to more European countries, thereby extending our outreach, gain prestige and build our portfolio for further successful outreach activities, give our instructors in training international teaching opportunities and thereby build a strong team of instructors, with whom we can launch the first Central European Instructor Training Program. We also plan mobility activities to go and learn from others' expertise, namely teaching meditation to parents and children, as well as learning new methods of family education. All this will also contribute to our aim to create financial sustainability for our activities, by extending our sevice-based income. The project also serves our capacity building in grant proposal writing and grant project management. 5 members of the organisation (PbC instructors and instructors in training) will participate at 7 events. Two of which are learning expereinces, and 5 of them teaching activities in the framework of 2-days workshops and free talks, sharing the Parenting by Connection approach in Czeck Republic, Poland, Ireland and Sweden, with parents and professionals, followed up by virtual support groups for participants. As a result of the learning experiences, we will widen the scope of our programmes on offer for parents. We will aslo launch facebook campaigns as part of the dissemination activities. All of this will have the impact of reaching more people and creating new professional bonds, through which our members can learn, as well as we can share our expertise. Our activities contribute to the empowerment of parents and to the breaking of violent and oppressive patterns in interpersonal relationships, thereby moving the world, one-person, one family, one community at the time, towards becoming a more peaceful and just place.



5 Participants partenaires