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Black Sea - Solidarity and Economic Activity (BS-SEA)
Date du début: 1 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 31 mars 2013 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project’s main objective is to support business circles and local organisations and institutions with regard to business and regional economic development in cross border regions connected with Black Sea, in short-terms, to overcome the differences within economic development in border regions of different countries, such as to remove the existing distinctions between regions around Black Sea. Achievements: Informed and raised expert preparation participants in the international conference on the European expert in the development of the agribusiness in the corss border reagion Bulgaria-Turkey - producers, managers and experts in agribussiness and public figures, about 180 persons. Realised new and improved bussiness partnerships between representatives of the agribusiness from both countries- participants in the matchmaking companies exchange and bussiness visits- about 100 entrepreneurs and managers Consultated and informed on expert level companies and producers from both countries by BICA- more than 350Informed users on the information on the problems of agribussiness in cross border region on the internet platform- more than 1000 people.Prepared and presented proposals for the development of the agribussiness in the cross border regions to the regional, local and national authorities. Newly established and approved existing social-economic contacts and partnership between persons with different interests from the cross border region of the both countries.



  • 90%   139 061,50
  • 2007 - 2013 Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC
  • Projet sur KEEP platform
Projet Website

2 Participants partenaires