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Bilişim Tekniklerinin ve Çevrenin Eğitim Faaliyetl..
Bilişim Tekniklerinin ve Çevrenin Eğitim Faaliyetlerinde Kullanılması
Date du début: 31 déc. 2015,
Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016
It is apparent that classical educational approaches don't respond the needs of education stakeholders'. In this sense, our institution plans to send its five personnel's to abroad to examine new educational methods, to look for positive and negative points, to see practicability of these methods in our institutions as a part of EU projects.Within the framework of the project, in the first term of 2015-2016 education term tninepersonnel's from our institutions will join the in-service training courses which will be held respectively in Czech Republic and France about ICT(Information and Communication Technologies). Basic aim of joining to these courses is to see effectiveness of computer, internet and other communication tools in education environment and effects of these tools inside and outside of the classroom. At the end of these courses, if we can take positive feedback from education stakeholders, we plan to disseminate the effects with meetings, seminars and social media.On the second level of our project, four personnel's from our institutions will join the courses about outdoor education in Sweden which is competent is this area. Basic aim of this courses are to look for how we can benefit from place of our institutions in maximum level. We plan to use location of our institution as an advantage for educational conditions.In short term, our expectation is to give our personnel chance to share their knowledge and experience that are gained through these courses and to make them willing for the EU projects by creating awareness. In long term, our expectation is to settle " Europe and European Union " idea in our institution and neighbourhood in the manner of contributing to integration of our country to EU.
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