Rechercher des projets européens

Bez bariér
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project "Without Barriers" was created as a reaction to the lack of space given by society for awareness - raising activities, which would lead to a social inclusion. This reaction creates a need to gain experience and inspiration in European countries where the theme of social inclusion has been taken to another level, as there have been many artistic activities and group experiences covering this topic. Those workshops and activities link together both disabled participants as well as non-disabled people. The aim of the project is the development of social inclusion-removing barriers at the level of the attitudes of the society towards people with disabilities and barriers in the public space for people with difficulties in orientation. Inspirited by European countries, we want to bring practical skills and abilities towards the project and create a quality range of experiential and artistic workshops. We want to reach the target group witch is less motivated and create functional strategies, solutions and concepts in removing barriers at all levels. The aim is to actively involve people with disabilities, and learn to actively cooperate at the international level. The project implementers are 4 people: the project manager, who is one of the mobility participants, projects administrator and mobility participants. Project Manager: Mgr. Martina Bártová, member of Bezmezí, o.s. Graduate master’s degree in special education needs, art and drama education. Since 2010 she has worked in education. She focuses on the integration of people with disabilities into society. She worked as a project manager of the project named Endexclusion. Martina is operating with Bezmezím, o.s. since 2010. It contributes to the creation of new experiential workshops. Project Administrator: Mgr. Jana Polakova, external collaborator Bezmezí , os Graduate master's degree at VUT Brno (field of tax consulting, corporate finance and trade). Since 2008 she has worked as an economist and accountant. Mgr. Lenka Pláteníková, Dis . Founder and vice President of Bezmezí , os Graduate Master's degree in special education needs. Since 1998 Lenka has worked in the social sector for clients with visual impairment, specializes in the education of the public in contact with the blind and visually impaired people. Since 2007, organizes and leads experiential workshops open to the public to experience the life of people with severe visual impairment. She is initiative of the project invisible barrier. Petra Bezáková, member of Bezmezí, o.s. Petra studied two years of psychology at Masaryk University in Brno. She is operating with Bezmezí, o.s. since 2011 and filling the position as a lector having a visual disability herself. Activities within the project: They focus on further education of Bezmezí, o.s. members; will contain one training course and four motilities in partner organizations in the United Kingdom and Sweden). Mobility no. 1: Course of singing and Feldenkreis, Date: 07.09. - 13.09.2014, 7 days. Country: Croatia. Mobility no. 2: Staying in the organization Joy of Sound, Date: 01.10. - 22.11.2014, 53 days. Country: United Kingdom Mobility no 3: Staying in the organization Joy of Sound, Dates: 02.11. - 22.11.2014, 21 days. Country: United Kingdom. Mobility no 4: Staying within the organization Joy of Sound, Dates: 02.11. - 22.11.2014, 21 days. Country: United Kingdom. Mobility 5: KCT Stockholm, Date: 07.04. – 27. 04. 2015, 21 days. Country: Sweden. The project will be implemented through the transfer of practical skills and experience from abroad to the Czech Republic. Expected results: 1) Professionalization and innovation of the offer of experiential and artistic workshops for people with disabilities and the majority population; 2) Management development of the organization 3) Expansion of target groups; 4) Professional development and specialization of Bezmezí, o.s. in specific areas Project impact and long-term benefits: 1) Create a concept of social inclusion, which will lead to a gradually increasing and mutual awareness of the attitude, barriers and communication between the society and people with disabilities. 2) Active cooperation at the international level and networking support organizations in the Czech Republic, which forcefully addressing the issue of social inclusion, and will motivate other social service providers to deal with this area. 3) Reduction of discrimination against people with disabilities and get the society to contribute with a positive response.

