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Beyond cross-border – the role of the region in the EU for the European youth / a cooperation between JEF Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

After a successful cooperation in the form of a video production and cultural exchange project between the Young European Federalists of Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein in the beginning of 2014 on the occasion of the European elections, the next step had to be proceeded. The European elections were over, thus it was time for political ideas and development. As young European federalists, of course federalism lies at our hearts which is the reason why we have dealt with the role of the region within the European Union in our next project. We wanted to analyze regions within the EU in a political-institutional and in a societal-cultural way. Our Danish-German region is known as a kind of a role model. The overcoming of borders is our aim. What kind of identities do we have in our region? How does cooperation between Danes and Germans in a common region works and which part does such a region play in the EU? 26 participants between 18 and 30 years from Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein have dealt with such questions. The title of the event was "JEF summercamp – How do we deal with federalism?" The participants received inputs by experts of federalism and culture studies, were taught about political work and writing and they discussed with decision makers from different European levels about their youth ideas about the region within the EU. The aim were progressive, political papers that can be tabled within our organizations and that can also be rendered to politicians and decision makers. Due to the fact that important congresses within our organization took place shortly after the summer camp, the participants decided to further improve the papers in a digital work process lasting several months. The final papers should be tabled to our main congresses in 2016. As they're not so much daily politics, but rather fundamental political ideas for a federal EU, taking a bit more time was a good idea for all the participants. With this process we want to help young people to participate in the democracy of the EU and the discussion about the future of it. Young ideas about the future of Europe. Using the core theme of “region” young people shall be motivated to become politically active and work concretely on political ideas for the future of the EU. Civic engagement and transnational solidarity in a united Europe shall be promoted so that the future of tomorrow, the European youth, turn into participating citizens in a democratic European Union. We critically want to bring into question what is good and bad to promote collectively the project of the European Union.



1 Participants partenaires