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The proposal stems from the supposition that today live performance is changing:information and communication technology in particular has triggerd off a radical change in production methods.There are many professional figures who have difficulty in keeping up with these changes. The BEST project aims to contribute to the solution of this problem through a networking strategy. It intends setting up a series of research, collection and selection activities in order to find the most efficient training projects created by European theatre training schools of excellence relating to quality and innovation and so improve the efficiency and coherence of future initiatives in the area of live performance.The project proposes the following: 1)Selection of the assessment criteria capable of testing the good practice of projects checked by certified quality, with a high degree of innovation and the use of TIC by the Educational-Pedagogical Board 2)Research and mapping of those European schools that have projected and managed projects of excellence in the area of live entertainment training.3) The results of the projects selected by the Users Board made up of by European bodies of social dialogue aimed at identifying the use of good practice in professional training for theatres, live performance firms and trade union associations of workers. Seeing the large numbers of participants involved and the variety of people interested in the result, the project will be the basis for a net which will use the synergy of the existing networks assisted by a Network Protocol with access characteristics. The Net’s job will be the monitor and keep up to date the production of projects of excellence carried out in this specific field.
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Bonjour, vous êtes sur la plateforme Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur dédiée aux programmes thématiques et de coopération territoriale. Une équipe d’experts vous accompagne dans vos recherches de financements.
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