Rechercher des projets européens

Berufserfahrungen im europäischen Ausland
Date du début: 10 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 9 oct. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE is a global company that manufactures and sells large diesel engines, turbochargers and turboengines, with approx. 85% of its business being exported. In addition to its company headquarters in Augsburg, Germany, the group has further production facilities in Germany, Denmark, England, France, the Czech Republic, China and India. The applicant organisation and the organisation executing the project is MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, based in Augsburg, Germany. The management of the MAN training centre is responsible for the project. All European sites have been consolidated into narrowly defined production associations to improve the company's productivity and competitiveness. In the interest of the aforementioned objective, plans have been made to post industrial/technical apprentices to the Danish, French and Czech plants as part of the ERASMUS+ — mobility project. The plants in Copenhagen, St. Nazaire and Velka Bites are partner facilities. The following occupations are included in the project: industrial fitter, cutting machine operator, plant mechanic, mechatronics fitter, electronics technician for industrial engineering, technical pattern-maker and technical product designer.We plan to post twelve apprentices. During their three-week stay, they will receive a detailed insight into the production methods and organisational structures at our partner facilities. They will be directly involved in the manufacturing process, giving them a lasting insight into the plant's manufacturing technology and quality assurance methods. They can apply the language skills they have learnt to communicate with foreign colleagues, especially in technical English. In most cases, the mobility programme will give the apprentices their first experience of a foreign working environment. They will be able to live in a foreign country for an extended period of time and gain cultural experiences. This is especially important to us as, following their apprenticeships, extensive parts of their duties will involve working abroad. The knowledge and skills acquired will be formally recognised in the context of their industrial training and documented by the europass Mobility certificate. We expect the apprentices to enrich their personal experiences, and anticipate that their personalities will undergo a positive change. We also expect them to be more motivated to participate in the advanced training program, with the aim of becoming an "International Service Engineer" following their training, respectively are available for the employee-pool from which our service assembly fitters are selected.The relevant national training organisations are present in each of the partner facilities. Our apprentices will be involved to the greatest extent possible in all relevant work processes at our partner facilities, even those outside their job role. During the stay, the various contact persons in the foreign plants are responsible for delivery of and compliance with the training curriculum. The partner facilities should also offer suggestions for local leisure activities. However, during the program the apprentices should mostly decide and arrange their leisure activities for themselves. Due to the shared corporate structure, no contractual agreement is necessary.



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