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Ben de Varım, Biz de Varız ! ( I'm in , We are in ! )
Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 1 mars 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

As a school and group, we have actualized two youth projects before whose major actions are Sport , Art and Music. In our both projects we have worked with students who play stay in child protection instute hostels and care houses and students in our school who have narrow circumstances.From the begining of our projects, is to make our partipants,Who want to study in conservatuary, reach their goals. Our project, that we preparat in the extent of KA1 Youth activity,will be achieved betwen 25.Jun.2014 - 25.Sept.2014 in Ankara/TURKEY - Barcelos/PORTUGAL with the participation of 16 students , sent by Children's Protection Association and indigent students chosen from our school these sixteen participants with groups will have indoor and outdoor activities both educative and enjoyable with music ( Piano-Guitar) education and concerts,cinema, bowling, picnic and studio rehearsals. After basic concepts,demonstrative samplings will be given to students by teachers and after that student will pass to practical exercises.And with these exercises students will take place actively during this,activly talented students will be selected and by forming a music group (orchestra),English, Turkish,Portuguese songs will be prepared amd displayed in internal and abroad activities.This activity will supplement the participants to be ready for the conservatory exam,in long terms to improve their knowladge,skills good manners and the fact of self-confidence. Moreover, by improving their self-confidence more than before , they will have an active role in the societs, and express themselves better by communicating with the people around.Shortly,they will improve their socials skills by making them say '' I'm in , We are in ! '' Our project also overlaps with the facts of the main objectives of the youth programs' by maintaining active participation of youngs with limited facilites at music, sports, culture,outside activities and the activities done with the youngs coming from foreign countries and the cultural shopping between the youngs in different places,and by improving the entrepreneurship,cooperation,and the feelings of tolerance to improve their harmony and social integration.



1 Participants partenaires