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Beletrina 2015-Stories that can change the world
Date du début: 30 déc. 2014,
Date de fin: 29 déc. 2015
Stories that can change the worldThe program we propose comprises 6 books by renowned authors; 4 of them will be translated from the original languages into Slovene and the other 2 from Slovene into English. In this way, we wish to establish a direct two-way relationship between the so-called major and minor used languages, which will also be emphasized in the PR strategies. The fundamental criteria of our selection are artistic excellence and topical relevance. As for the literary value, all these books have been appreciated by the public and the critics both in their time and today. Today, Orwell, Tomizza, Exupéry, and Beckett are indisputably a part of the European literary canon as they have made significant marks on 20th century prose. On the other hand, contemporary Slovene writers Vojnović and Babnik have been noted as the most talented voices of their generations in Slovenia.Topically, the texts deal with social issues from a highly personalized perspective. Violence, fear-based ideologies, war, religious prejudices, sexual injustices are the major themes. Orwell uses the experiences of a functionary in a colonial administration to expose the cruel circumstances of a society based on the domination by a minority “ruling class”. In the framework of the 16th century, Tomizza tells a story of an intellectual, humanist and believer persecuted by the inquisition. Beckett and Exupéry show a reality altered by the protagonists’ distorted or idealized perspective, while Vojnović opens the issue of the consequences of war, showing that the wounds it afflicts are transferred intact from one generation to another. Babnik deals with interactions and cultural clashes between Europe and Africa reflected through the war between the sexes.All these books are a tribute to the human spirit, its intelligence, and compassion. They show that humanity must seek knowledge and understanding in every time period in order to create a more just, balanced, and peaceful society.
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