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Beldocs Market
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 15 juil. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Beldocs Market will be held during the 10th anniversary edition of the International Documentary Film Festival Beldocs (Belgrade, Serbia) at Yugoslav Kinoteka in May 2017. The main goals of the project are developing documentary film market in the territory of the Western Balkan and promoting European values on this territory through documentary film. The project will be implemented through producing an on-line database of the documentary films with the closed access and organizing an encounter of the film industry professionals from Europe during the 5 days in May 2017. The project will include participation of sales agents from Europe, acquisition managers from the Western Balkan Region, producers from the Western Balkan Region, festival representatives and journalists from Europe. Beldocs Market is launched due to the needs of the European film industry with the focus on underdeveloped part of the Europe. It will introduce broadcasters in the Western Balkan Region to new European nonfiction film production that is vibrant and topical. Furthermore it will increase opportunities for world sales agents of documentaries in the Western Balkan Region, increase participation and sales of European contemporary documentary films in Western Balkan, networking between sales agents, acquisition managers, producers and film festival programmers, and contribute to the increasing number of TV slots dedicated to documentary film. Since there are no similar activities in this part of the Europe, Beldocs Market could be perceived as a unique initiative.

