Rechercher des projets européens

Begegnung der Kulturen: Grenzen überwinden-Vielfalt stärken
Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The elementary and middle school Tusneldaschule in Nürnberg entitled "school without racism - school with courage". This topic is being implemented by a group of 50 pupils that work on that theme. In this context the idea of an exchange with one of the partner cities of Nürnberg was born. The pupils decided to go to Krakau. There we found the middle school Gimnazjum Nr. 12. This school also works with this topic and is committed with working on the topic inclusion. The title of our project is: "Meeting of cultures, overcome boarders and strengthen diversity." We want to reduce prejudices and to overcome one's inhibitions. We want to show off the impact of right wing radicalism and the importance of democracy and the possibility to be active in democracy. To strengthen the self-confidence and self-efficacy are the goals of our common project. A total of 32 pupils from Poland and Germany in the age of 13 - 17 years and 5 adults will be part of the exchange. The pupils from Nürnberg join the middleschool and most of them are disadvantaged with an immigration background. The exchange will take 7 days for each party. After getting to meet each other and to know each other with interactive and integrative games, exercises and working groups and learning the other language we want to get the focus on the following topics:Racism then and today. We will visit the Reichsparteitagsgelände in Nürnberg, the jewish district in Krakau. After that the pupils will work on their results in a common art project. In addition to the program the pupils will have the chance to talk to a person that abandoned to a Neo-Nazi gang and can listen to an extract of a diary from the personal experiences of Hugo Höllenreiner from the second world war.After that the pupils can talk about their own experiences with racism and outracism and we will work on different solutions with interactive playgames.Having this background knowledge we want to strengthen democracy with our next unity. What means democracy for me? And for Europe? In the next interactive game the pupils can see how complicated and how good it can be to be democratic. They should learn how important it is to participate in democratical processes. We will visit the "Street of children`s rights" and the pupils will work in small groups on the different rights to present them each other in the end. At the end the topic Courage is a central unit. We are going to visit the "Schindler factory" in Krakau to learn what courage really meant to this time. And how can I show courage today?With a role-playing game own experiences of the pupils will be shown and together we will find solutions. A visit at a crag gives the childrens a possibility to show their courage.In the evening of each day the kids will summarise the experiences of the day and will document the day with pictures and own words.The evolved newspaper will be given to all the pupils. The kids are strengthend after this exchange and will go on with more interesting experiences in their daily live. Thorough the reduction of prejudices and one´s inhibitions the pupils should show more courage in their private life and give more attention to other kids. Their strengthend self-confidence and self-efficacy should give more courage to the pupils to be active in their school life and their democratical action.



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