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Be ready for Peace
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014,
Date de fin: 28 févr. 2015
The youth exchange will bring 24 young people together for 10 days to learn how Peace reflects to promote the value and respect of cultural diversity in multicultural societies. The project will promote empathy and the self-confidence to take a stand against racism and discrimination, human trafficking, violence and exploitative migration. The participants will have opportunity to experience in HR Change in Attitudes, Behavior and Knowledge.
The youth exchange mobilize young people to contribute for peace building activity and to deal the exclusion and tolerate cultural differences with a non-formal educational methods based on interactive workshops, games, debates and presentations and use Music-art as a tool for stressing cultural values in order to build up inter cultural dialogue, peace initiative and combat violence and racial harassment . The music will be voice for youth to support peace initiatives and solidarity of different nations and culture diversity. The music and video clip will include motives of different nationalities for inter-cultural effect.
During the meeting we ll be used non formal education techniques. The program will be based on interactive workshops, games, debates and presentations. Communication and mutual understanding, active participation, interactive and group working activities, multimedia presentations, editing imagines, workshops, individual learning and presentations, input, simulation, role plays and sketches, discussions, evaluational will be the program elements and it will provid further knowledge and understanding of the issue and make voice for Peace.
Inter-cultural Learning will support the development of the networking partner countries and to join youth strength and committee to present and realize common projects in the frame of the Erasmus+ and to give the possibilities young people to get skill and knowledge’s how to write projects and how to use the different possibilities that Erasmus + gives.
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