Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project "Be active and find your dream job" will be held in the period 08.01.2016 - 10.08.2016. Accordingly the days 01.08.2016 and 08.10.2016 are provided for travel. It will involve 45 young people from nine countries. Activities will be held in Pazardzhik. This is one of the poorest regions in Bulgaria, famous for its large youth unemployment, while this region is rich in natural, cultural and historical sites. In view of all this in the context of high youth unemployment, we of "Focus - European Centre for Development" believe that the region has great potential to provide jobs for young people using the potential of natural and cultural heritage and monuments. That is why the main theme of the project is the potential of natural wonders to reduce youth unemployment.The main objective of the project is the inclusion of 45 youth mobility which gives them the chance to discover the possibilities offered by the cultural heritage of their hometowns in the direction of increasing the personal and professional skills and finding work.Objectives are:1. The students in the exchange to share and highlight some major problems and obstacles faced in the process of searching and applying for jobs.2.Uchastnitsite be able to share and raise their awareness in relation to some of the causes of youth unemployment in different countries, according to observation and experience from personal experience.3. To enhance the skills and competencies participants in the exchange associated with searching, finding and applying for work related to cultural heritage in their hometowns and countries.5. To familiarize the participants in the exchange with the types of documents / CV, cover letter, references, certificates of formal education / necessary when applying for a job and improve their skills and competencies in their preparation and presentation to prospective employers.6. To raise awareness of the participants in exchanges regarding best practices and opportunities in exploiting the potential of natural and cultural sites to ensure youth employment.7. To raise awareness of participants in the exchange of natural and cultural wonders regulations regarding their protection and maintenance as well as preserving and promoting their native places and in different countries of the project participants.8. To be created by participants in the exchange, in working sessions, innovative projects related to natural wonders that contribute to reducing youth unemployment both in the region and on the ground in the participating countries.9.Da achieve awareness of participants about the opportunities Erasmus + comes in a direction vocational guidance and career.The methods we will use to achieve these targets will be based on the principles of non-formal education, active participation of each participant, the exchange of experience and dissemination of good practices. The planned activities will be interactive and practical oriented. Working methods to use in the implementation of activities are working in small groups, learning through experience, interactive presentations and brainstorming, discussions, case studies, forum theater, Energizer games to break the ice and other non-formal education.The exchange aims to contribute to improving the knowledge of young people's natural wonders, as well as effective and creative use of the potential of these wonders for creating alternatives to youth employment. Will be affected unemployment problems in each of the participating countries and in particular youth unemployment and how they can overcome these problems. We will focus on increasing the activity of young people in the labor market by increasing the number of skills and competencies.Young people will have the task to create, razpishat and demonstrate in practice various innovative projects to find fulfillment as during the exchange, and as a continuation and follow-up.We have planned and voluntary outdoor activities aimed at significant heritage site and the benefit of the local community.We believe that after participating in this exchange the young people will gain confidence in their abilities will develop their knowledge and skills they will use their creativity for the realization of various projects in their local communities. All this will make them more competitive so dynamic labor market and will open many new opportunities for them. Each participant will have the opportunity alone to assess qualifications during the exchange. In the long term we expect to maximize the effects of this project, through the dissemination of knowledge, skills and exchange of good practices in each of the project partners.Partner countries - Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria



8 Participants partenaires