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Baltic DJ school
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Baltic DJ school" was realized as an intercultural and creative youth exchange project about vision of European future music by expressing it in audio works. 20 young people from Latvia and Estonia, aged from 18-30 and interested in music production came together in Riga where during 10 day exchange they formulated vision of future music, learned cultural differences, discussed and shared their experience in music production, DJ-ing and creative activities. During the project participants took part in discussions, workshops, research activities, worked in groups and participated in public presentation of their works. During creative process there where produced 7 works: 3 DJ mixes and 4 original tracks.The aim of the project was to promote intercultural dialog and understanding among young people as well as to encourage participants and society to think about future of Europe through music by choosing music production as a main method in “Baltic DJ school”– creative and potentially innovative activity that needs cooperation among involved participants starting from generating idea till the final product and it's public presentation.By involving every participant of the project, the message was brought to wider audience in final project event in club “Pulkvedim Neviens Neraksta” and afterwards shared on social.



1 Participants partenaires