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Date du début: 31 déc. 2015,
Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016
Universal Declaration of Human Rights confirms people indispensable innate rights. But Disabled people and their families expose theirselves discrimination at various levels. This situation affects not only individuals but the whole society. When we look at disabled-people working life, we see that they can’t take an vocational education and they can’t take advantage of the work. When self-sufficient support and opportunities provided, mental handicapped people can reveal their potential and they can contribute to society. So we must increase our efforts to win mental handicapped people in society. İf we work together, we can build a fair and inclusive world, where everyone has equal opportunities and equality. We want to do this Project because we want that mental handicapped people must take better quality education, get more variety of vocational training and become employment.
Our aim is; to observe innovative approaches in mental handicapped people’s vocational education and EU applications about this matter, and than applicate this first at school and than generalize to applicate all 3rd stage special education school in Turkey. Our aims is; to help mental handicapped people’s vocational education, to know all new applications about mental handicapped people’s vocational education, to observe how workplaces provide training and safety precautions in the work area.Our participant group is managers, teachers of mentally handicapped and workshop teachers in 3rd stage special education school. We planned 3 mobility. First group (6 people) for Ireland participate in staff training on 2-8 August 2016. Second group (9 people) for germany participate in staff training on 14-20 may 2017. Third group (7 people) for Spain participate in staff training on 16-22 july 2017. Our training will organize in instutition that be held by our host partners. Before the main activity, we will organize training about special education and vocational education in special education in Turkey with univercity’s support. Booklets about works and legislation will be distributed to all participants, so that they will be take part in mobility as informed. They will be able to observe studies in scope of the Project and they will be able to examine applications about our matter. Our participants will be able to see new applications and they will be able to do practices and so that they will be able to expand first at their working area and than all in Turkey. Participants vocational proficiency will increase because they will be able to observe mental handicapped student’s vocational education and security precautions in working area. Owing to observe sample applications, their vocational standards will institutionalize and they will contribute to Creating effective and efficient workspaces.
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Bonjour, vous êtes sur la plateforme Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur dédiée aux programmes thématiques et de coopération territoriale. Une équipe d’experts vous accompagne dans vos recherches de financements.
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