Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our planning foundation for this proposal is laid on the basis of our school’s need to train its staff in order to acquire advanced skills and innovative teaching tools. This will add to its strategic development to align with the demands of contemporary education, its European vision and orientation and the elimination of early school leaving. By participating in KA1 we aim to develop new skills, to familiarize ourselves with up-to-date classroom methods and tools, to exploit new technologies in favor of the creation of a dynamic cognitive environment, thus making the teaching procedure more appealing to students. In this way, students will improve their school performance, cooperation, collaboration and mutual respect among them will be enhanced. In addition, school drop-out will be reduced. Our aspiration for the future is to be able to work with other European partners on a KA2 project so as to establish the European consciousness of the participants.The six teachers involved in this action have a long experience in the field of education, can speak English and are very much interested in novelty and extroversion, always eager to renovate their teaching practices to help students improve and develop their school performance.Based on the needs and goals set by our organization the following activities were opt for (in chronological order):1. Coaching in educational contexts to reduce early school leaving (Cervantes training)2. School Management (edukarjala)3. Reading the city: Discover the city as an experimental learning resource (EUcources)The particular activities were preferred because they fulfill the goals and aspirations of all the participants involved. Through training we aspire to management modernization, early school leaving reduction and the implementation of innovative methods and newly acquired skills in the renovation of our teaching as well as the enhancement of the European orientation of our school.There will be communication with the course providers before each visit so that any practical and planning issues will be resolved and agreed upon.The deployment of skills (social, cognitive, metacognitive, digital-technological, etc.), both the qualitative improvement and the updating of the education rendered by our school as well as the communication and the cooperation among partners will add up to our ever-ceasing efforts to reduce early school leaving.Reaching a wider audience will be of our primary concern since we aspire to implicate as many target-groups as possible (fellow teachers in our and other schools, students, local community, the secondary-education and prefecture director of studies, etc) in our activities which will aim at sharing and disseminating the expected results of our action.In the long run, there will be cumulative benefit since we will be given the opportunity to incorporate newly acquired methods and experience both in the curriculum and in the strategic plan for the development of our school.

