Rechercher des projets européens

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Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

CSMiguel is a Catholic School focused in the students’ full educational and human development. There are 1287 students, some of them immigrants, other live in foster homes and 61 are in need of Special Education. The Board of Directors has designed the European Development Plan identifying the school needs: the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); better teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); beginning the content and language integrated learning (CLIL); developing differentiated and adapted pedagogies to answer Permanent Special Educational Needs (NEE) of each student. The Board of Directors has nominated the school multidisciplinary Erasmus+team, consisting of teachers with experience in managing European educational projects–Comenius multi and bilateral projects,Comenius professional development and training, e-Twinning as well as in other international projects. The objectives are: Fostering innovative teaching practices; Improving teacher qualifications to adopt more effective and engaging teaching practices taking into account the needs of students. CSMiguel will have 21 mobilities: 15 for Structured Training Courses: "Future Learning with iPads and Tablets-the New Course Program for Erasmus+"; "Special Needs Children" and "Coaching Skills for Teachers and Trainers to Support the Success of All Learners"; "CLIL-Content and Language Integrated Learning 1&2 week courses for teachers who teach their subject" bilingually "in English at secondary school level in 2015" and "Interacting with CLIL"; "Tap-Swipe Pinch-intoSTEM. Learning Mathematics and Sciences with tablets”; 6 for job shadowing. These mobilities will allow the school staff: To promote a wide range of improvements in terms of educational quality, aiming excellence; To trigger the staff’s will to know other educational cultures, providing them with the knowledge to establish comparisons on the educational systems within Europe. The staff will have unique opportunities to exchange ideas and start relationships with other teachers in order to develop partnerships for KA2 projects and e-Twinning; To improve basic and soft skills and foster innovative teaching and learning of sciences and languages; To acquire experience to teach subject areas in English; To refine methodologies and improve ICT based teaching skills as well as e-learning ones; To develop differentiated teaching strategies to enhance and foster a better learning of each student; To learn how to create an environment where students are encouraged to work cooperatively with autonomy. The Board of Directors and the Erasmus+ Team have presented the project in a teachers meeting. They invited all school teachers to get involved. The Entry and selection Form for this KA1 was presented. The Erasmus+ Team will monitor all stages, ensuring the preparation of participants, with regard to performing the tasks requested by the host institutions. As for the linguistic preparation of participants, language courses will be provided to those who need. Each KA1 mobility will be certified: A Certificate of Participation as well the Europass Mobility Certificate; Validation of competences by the Portuguese Certification Centre of the University of Minho will be given to the teachers.. The follow up activities are: Meetings with participants; Evaluation of activity; Developing an action plan in the area of training to further implementation at school; Development of other projects result of mobility contacts; Dissemination in the school community via Moodle platform, site and Facebook page, in local media as well as in the professional associations of teachers. It is expected activities to have an impact in CSMiguel, in the participants’ professional practices, in the students’ learning strategies and in parents’ educational awareness. Different organisations, local and regional, at national and European level will witness the impact through sharing the best practices and further cooperation projects. The participants will see their professional skills improved. They will have a greater spirit of openness, a broader understanding of transnational teaching policies and practices. They will also improve language skills, management skills, by showing an innovative spirit and a better capacity to meet the learning needs of students. It is expected that all teachers will be able to modify, improve innovative teaching routines and shared methodologies. CSMiguel students will benefit from a wide range of teaching and learning methodologies, engaging them more actively in their learning process. They will develop essential skills for any citizen of the XXI Century: critical thinking, problem solving, spirit of collaboration, adaptability, language communication and the ability to access information and analyze it. The impact of the project will not only be limited to teaching approaches and methodologies at CSMiguel, but also to other institutions.

