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Apoyo formativo y metodológico para los Programas ..
Apoyo formativo y metodológico para los Programas Bilíngüe y Enseñanza XXI del IES Ramón Arcas
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014,
Date de fin: 30 juin 2015
The IES Ramón Arcas Meca has launched in the last two years two ambitious programs: the bilingual program and the program Education XXI (based on more active methodologies and digital support). The demand from families for these programs has exceeded our initial expectations and we intend to train our teachers to meet these needs. In particular, we will send five teachers with permanent post at school and that they are already teaching or are going to teach any of these programs, to participate in the summer in different activities of training in Europe.
The activities are distributed as follows:
- 1 teacher will participate in the course "Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)", organized by Edimburgh School of English.
- 1 teacher will participate in the course "CLIL-Content and Language integrated Learning. Practical methodology for teachers who teach science or maths or technical subject Blingually in English at Secondary level", organized by International Study Programmes, in Colchester (UK).
- A team of three teachers who will participate in the course "Web 2.0 Tools for Effective Teaching and Project Work", organized by Teachers Training Institute, in Cracovia.
These mobility activities will be accompanied by a series of follow-up actions and their results shall be applied in the development of classes and shared with the rest of the companions through methodological update workshops.
It also ensures the possibility of sharing any new materials with the entire educational community. It is anticipated that the most outstanding results of the project are published on various web pages so that they can inspire other teachers or even be used in the development of their classes.
Of course, the main beneficiaries of this project will be our students and teachers. Students, because they will enjoy more quality classes taught with methods and resources more effective and attractive. Motivation will increase for both groups: the teachers and the students.
Furthermore, this project should serve to bolster at our school our European vocation and to encourage more participation in future programs such as the eTwinning.
In the medium and long term, we aim to consolidate with this methodological momentum the two programs (Bilingual Education and Education XXI).
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