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Apoyo a la Inclusión Social, a las Necesidades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo y la Mejora de Competencias Básicas para Personas Reclusas en Europa
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Calypsos partnership project aims to propose European regional and national institutions responsible for education in prisons an educational intervention strategy, which comprises innovative learning situations which enable inmates’ increased rates of school success. At the same time, it seeks to engage stakeholders involved in education in prisons in EU countries through high-impact activities and visibility that generate sensitivity, in order to increase inmates’ rate of school success.Calypsos is also set as a strategic innovation development partnership for the call for Erasmus Plus K204 for adults. Its partners are in three countries: Portugal, Spain and Italy. In each country there is a minimum of two partners: a university and an formal, non-formal or informal education institution, that serves inmates in prisons or youth centers with internment measures. It also has two exceptional partners: the two prison ad-ministrations of Spain and Portugal. This will guarantee the impact and sustainability of the partnership re-sults in both countries and will be a strong support for its diffusion and dissemination in other EU countries.The AD priority is education, training and inclusive youth, as Calypsos focuses its work in prisons consider-ing education as a facet of education in diversity and against discrimination and segregation of inmates. A considerable part of prison population can be classified as “specific educational needs”. The mentioned spe-cific needs are mainly related to deficiencies in executive functions, principally cognitive deficits, working memory deficits, difficulty to pay attention, difficulty to structure thinking, difficulty to solve problems, low self-control, etc.The efficiency and effectiveness of educational strategies developed both by education authorities in formal education and by NGOs working in informal and non-formal education in European prisons are helping the-se people to face these lifelong learning challenges, providing them with the skills that labour market and economy require and allowing them, at the same time, play an active role in society and achieve integration and fulfillment of their personal development. Therefore, the EU states make a great effort in providing edu-cation to inmates both adults and youth.However success and graduation rates are very low. Calypsos argues that one of the main reasons has to do with the difficulties outlined above and are linked to these students’ specific needs. This program will have a significant impact on educational policies developed in prisons in the EU, so that in the last phase of the program at least one meetings in Brussels will be held in order to engaging stakeholders to know the studies and conclusions which this CALYPSOS partnership will reach and to establish strategies for improving edu-cational activities in prisons.Calypsos is an investment in knowledge, skills and competencies of inmates of the participating partners (Portugal, Spain and Italy) and will directly benefit people who are training in educational centers of Euro-pean prisons and, thus, the whole of European society, as it will contribute to employability, possible entre-preneurship of inmates in the EU and to support equality and social inclusion of these people who, mostly, are socially disadvantaged. In short, Calypsos aims to provide an important innovation in the field of educa-tional intervention in this background and its products and guidelines will serve to improve and modernize education systems and adult education in European prisons.Calypsos is structured to hand European institutions and educational organizations responsible for education in prisons in the Member States recommendations in order to provide Penitentiaries and Educational Administrations working in prisons in the EU countries with appropriate and effective tools to improve the diagnosis of inmate students’ specific needs and with guidance to establish learning situations which can be innovative and adapted to the specific characteristics of these students, that allow to increase significantly the number of male and female inmates getting out of prisons with their Secondary Education degree and that teachers that may be part of prison education can have a training model.


8 Participants partenaires