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Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

We implemented the project entitled: "ACQUISITION OF SKILLS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT TOURIST UNITS and involved students of Economic specialties and attended by students of Economic specialties and Management in Tourism and Environment and Natural Resources. The program involved 30 students, 15 per flow and 4 escorts who for a period of 14 days were moved to Cyprus and Spain. The selection of any particular training object " ACQUISITION OF SKILLS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT TOURIST UNITS " is due to fact that Santorini needed human resources managers trained in specific environmental management standards of tourist facilities. Through this program participants conducted visits to hotels that implement environmental management practices. Also, students experienced for Environmental Management Systems, which is a systematization methodology of a business process to improve its performance. Participation in such a mobility project helped to gain valuable experience and participants important skills, the following objectives were achieved: . to learn the basic principles and philosophy of the Environmental Management System according to the ISO 14001 standard and EMAS for tourist units, . get to know the building blocks that make up an environmental management system, . recognize the impact of implementing an Environmental Management System to the internal and external environment of the tourism industry and the net financial position, . become familiar with the methodology and planning steps of an Environmental Management System.



2 Participants partenaires