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And now, the dream is coming to Gent!
Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 17 sept. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

't Leebeekje and Rialles want to do a youth exchange with a group of young people from Gent and Barcelona. The duration of the project will be 7 days and 6 nights. 't Leebeekje participates with 27 teenagers and 3 supervisors. Rialles participates with 20 teenagers and 2 supervisors. It will be a bilateral exchange between Belgium and Spain. Omwille van de sepcifieke doelgroep vergt het uitwisselingsproject meer begeleiding dan er vooropgesteld wordt. The proposal of the project is a cooperation between two groups of socially vulnerable youth from two different countries. During the exchange, both groups want to discover and explore each other. Objectives : - The local group of young people from Gent meets the group of young people from Barcelona. Together, they want to do activities, to eat with each other, to know each other, samen logeren, etc. - To offer disadvantaged youth the chance to have an unforgettable experiance and exchange, and this in a financially feasible way. - To promote group contacts, mutual and with the exchange group, by organizing accessible activities. - To reinforce the solidarity between the young people from 't Leebeekje and Rialles by learning to know each other and to respect each other. - From a pedagogical point of view, learn to know themselves and others in their individuality and limits and to deal with it. - From a emancipatory and participatory point of view, learn to take up responsibility to create a nice atmosphere in the group and a pleasant course of the exchange. - To take young people away from their social isolation by using an innovative and enriching project over the borders. - To promote the cultural and social mix. - To learn to know and enjoy each other's Culture, in short to enjoy the small and the great moments. This year we want to establish the link between the end of the wars in Europe, which means peace, and the emergence of the European Community. - To make an effort on a positive way before, during and after the project. Such as order the rooms to receive the guest group. - To commit themselves socially by bringing a show moment, singing and dancing in a retirement home.. Examples of activities: - Meeting/welcome-activity - A trip to the recreation park 'The Blaarmeersen' in Gent and we end with a 'Fakkel-kayaktocht' through the city of Gent - A taste of Gent: a city game with an interactive workshop 'Outsider kunst', a visit to the Dr. Guislainmuseum - Sport and playactivities: football, basket, cycling, biljart, pool, darts, airhockey, pingpongetc. - To cook with each other - Workshop around Belgian and Spanish (Catalan) songs and dance as a preparation for the visit of the bejaardentehuis



1 Participants partenaires