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Ancient routes and communication logistics in the municipal land of Iulia Concordia from the 12th century b.c. to the II century a.c.
Date du début: 31 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 30 mai 2004 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This project has retrieved some data and information about the communication system in the territory of Concordia from the 12th century b.c. to the 11th century a.c. in the greater network of exchanges that included the nearby Istrian coast and in particulare the Slovenian coast. The inclusion of the Slovenian territory resulted in further research on maritime communications in the Northern Adriatic, especially with regard to the navigability of rivers in the Eastern Veneto plain. The project is based on a physiographic research of the territory concerned and of the settlement strategies related to the the time frame of our research, with regard to the protohistoric period: topography and roads, waterways and port facilities. Apart from these topics, more targeted interventions have dealt with peoples, trade and coinage. Issues concerning transports and materials have also been taken into consideration, identifying the enterprises, professions and historical characters of that time. Legal and historical investigations have dealt with the law and the regulations of trade, and some anthropological issues concerning beliefs, languages and dialects have been highlighted. A computerized database has been set up and divided into “forms” according to the topics. Every topic is then resumed and dealt with by the Centro Studi per l’Archeologia del Veneto Orientale (Centre for Studies on Archaeology in the Eastern Veneto region) which is being set up in Concordia Sagittaria. The biennial investigations envisage a monographic publication, as publishing activity of the Centre. The database is going to be presented in Concordia Sagittaria and Piran - Pirano in the framework of a study meeting that will be attended by Italian and Slovenian scholars.



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