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An e-learning environment for HIV/AIDS education

The project E-AIDS - An e-learning environment for HIV/AIDS education aims tostrengthen the education and training on HIV/AIDS prevention through an e-learningintegrated environment by using innovative pedagogical approaches and new onlinelearning and training methodologies.The project has the following objectives:1. To create and experiment an interactive e-learning environment and a VirtualLearning Community for HIV/AIDS education;2. To develop and adapt a new teaching methodology for HIV/AIDS educationbased on web-mediated learning;3. To create, evaluate and disseminate pedagogical tools and materials, adaptedfor online courses about HIV/AIDS by using the web platform created;4. To develop and test training modules for trainers on HIV/AIDS educationbased on the methodology that has been elaborated.The outputs of the project will be:1. The web site, containing an integrated learning environment:-Informative space for visitors - containing basic knowledge about HIV/AIDS.- Learning space - containing learning content and materials with the use of multimediafor adult learners.- Training space for online teachers - containing a database with the curricula planned,methods, evaluation tools.2. An online course platform.3. The training modules and materials for trainers, teachers and staff of adult educationinstitutions4. A CD-Rom with training resourcesDuring the project online courses will be setup for some groups of persons who need toincrease their knowledge about HIV/AIDS subjects in for their work (teachers, medicalstaff, volunteers, social workers). A European training course will be organized foreducators, teachers and staff of institutions of adult education from partner countriesand from other European countries. After the end of the project, the partner institutionsand the other institutions of adult education can use this platform to organize learning onHIV/AIDS for adults.



7 Participants partenaires