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Ampliando Horizontes: una apuesta por la europeiza..
Ampliando Horizontes: una apuesta por la europeización y la empleabilidad.
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014,
Date de fin: 30 juin 2015
The decision to take part in the programme ERASMUS+ has been taken after carefully having thought about the needs of the students which attend our Schools of Languages in our municipality. These needs involve their desire of keeping their current job, of finding a better job or improving their possibilities to step into the labour market in Tenerife. Our students demand teachers with a knowledge of languages which allow them not only to communicate in the language they are studying, but also teachers with a knowledge in depth of the tourists visiting our island, their behaviour and practices at work or leisure, the linguistic register appropriate for each situation, as well as the tourists’ expectations and demands in the professional relationships.
We intend to fulfil the needs of our students by attending language and didactics refreshers courses aiming at providing a high quality training for our students at all levels. Ten mobilitiy activities will be carried out by ten teachers of English, French and German belonging to the three schools which form the Strategic Partnership. These mobility activities will all take place in prestigious organisations in European countries (Germany, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Slovenia and United Kingdom), which offer teacher training courses. The courses chosen by the participants in the project cover the following aspects:
• Improving the linguistic competence to teach advanced levels (with the objective of qualifying teachers in the Official Schools of Languages to teach and certify the C1 level in our schools in the Canary Islands).
• Furthering development in new and innovative pedagogical and methodological trends in the teaching of foreign languages.
• Using ICT in the classroom of foreign languages.
• Peer Coaching to notice areas subject to be improved and take action.
Besides, the teachers taking part in the mobility activities also intend to observe good practices in the teaching of foreign languages abroad and how these practices have a positive impact in the professional integration of our students. In this sense, the teacher will be able to transfer these good practices at a professional, social and linguistic level to our students and open new perspectives in their next professional integration in the labour sector of the tourism industry.
The objectives of the project agree with the national and regional European objectives in education concerning the increase in the rate of students who graduate in our studies and the decrease of school early drop-out rates. For this reason, we hope that, the furthering of the professional development and the internationalisation of our teachers, as well as the updating of their linguistic and pedagogical competence will lead to an increase of 10% in the school success by the end of the period of the mobility activities, affecting those students whose teachers are taking part in the programme.
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