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AMMOS - Integrated information campaign for the reduction of smoking related litter on beaches (LIFE)
Date du début: 1 juil. 2013, Date de fin: 31 mars 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Background Marine litter is one of the most serious environmental problems of the 20th Century. It has an adverse affect on the economy, affecting tourism, industry and the fisheries sector, and it is a potential source of damage to human health. Reduction of litter, especially disgarded cigarette butts, would improve the aesthetic value of beaches and boost hygiene, as well as eliminating the need for expensive clean ups. Litter also affects sensitive coastal zones, causing considerable damage to marine animals and birds. There is an urgent need to inform users of the coastal zone, including visitors (especially smokers) and commercial users, in order to prevent pollution on coasts and seas of the Mediterranean. Objectives The project aims to implement an integrated information campaign for the prevention/reduction of smoking-related litter in coastal areas of Greece. Given the extended coastline and the number of visitors it attracts, the main causes of the problem include an ignorance of the environmental impacts of discarded butts amongst smokers, a lack of integrated approaches in tackling the problem and an absence of appropriate, user-friendly and affordable infrastructure. The aim of the project is to advance a change in behaviour through the combined use of technology and awareness-raising practices in order to prevent coastal pollution from cigarette butts, thus protecting the marine and coastal environment, safeguarding public health and contributing to the implementation of the relevant EU legislation. The main objectives are to: Enhance public awareness of coastal pollution through the combination and use of various communication instruments; Launch on-site campaigns on coasts, where the aim is not only to inform the public but to provide an applicable solution on the spot (single-use ashtrays); Carry out training activities at schools in order to inform students and establish behavioural change; and Monitor the project’s impact and disseminate its results, in order to enhance its effectiveness and encourage replication in other areas affected by the same problem. Expected results: Increased public awareness of marine environmental issues and the importance of the protection of the coastal and marine environment; A 20% reduction in cigarette butt littering on beaches; A minimum of 3 000 unique visitors to the project website by the end of the communication and training activities; Increased penetration of the project’s key messages to young people (target group: 15-45 years old) through social network marketing; More than 1 000 total views of relevant project videos on YouTube; More than 1 000 followers of the project's Twitter feed; More than 1 000 ‘likes’ of the project’s Facebook group; Raised awareness amongst general public through the broadcast of at least 30 TV spots and at least 100 radio spots on national and local networks; Education of some 3 000 students on the impact of marine environment littering and especially on cigarette butt littering.


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3 Participants partenaires