Up2Europe est un accélérateur d’idées pour des projets de coopération.
La plateforme Ma Région Sud fait partie de l'écosystème de Up2Europe qui permet de booster la coopération à un niveau supérieur!
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Since almost 10 years, ICTs have increased, particularly in the education area, and specifically in higher education. Adult education and apprentiship training are not taking enough advantages of the e-learning capacities. Most of educational experiences using ICTs are very rarely concerning sandwich education, although for a majority of students from level V to IV (pre to graduated), their diversity is constantly growing, their integration in the working and social life is an issue, and the attractivity and accessibility of training courses should be strenghten.The objective is to develop recommendations in order to efficiently use the ICT’s in the sandwich education system.The conception, based on European productions and studies, can be forwarded and transferred to any other sector of our partners
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Bonjour, vous êtes sur la plateforme Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur dédiée aux programmes thématiques et de coopération territoriale. Une équipe d’experts vous accompagne dans vos recherches de financements.
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