Rechercher des projets européens

All for a greener Europe
Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project ” All for a greener Europe” is based on mutual interest of the participants towards a more environmentally conscious life and is devoted to work on topics related to nature, green tourism and eco tourism. It is composed of seven countries Abergele-Conwy (Wales), Istanbul(Turkey), Bremen(Germany), Bydgoszcz (Poland), Gran Canary (Spain), Karlskrona (Sweden), Horjul (Slovenia), La Spezia (Italy). All of the participating countries are aware of the dramatic situation caused by Global warming and are aware of the fact that transportation, travelling and tourism are also contributors to the greenhouse effect. Our main goal is to analyse current trends in tourism and promote future trends which are inter-twinned with culture, traditions environment and heritage. By involving international cooperation, we will compare cultural and eco-tourism with standard tourism and solve tourism related problems finding new creative methods and techniques. The main issues are to provide students and teachers with a deeper understanding of responsible tourism and to widen their knowledge in subjects connected to culture, history, traditions, gastronomy, environmental protection, English language and ICT whilst integrating students who come from different cultural backgrounds The project promotes a development away from typical consumer oriented tourism towards tourism that focuses on cultural and environmental encounters and requires more responsibility from the key figures in tourism: tourists and specialists in tourism alike. Completing the project tasks and activities (visiting each other‘s countries, making mini–tour guides and itineraries, creating presentations and booklets etc.) will prepare our students to become open-minded, culture-conscious citizens and skilled travellers, who are consciously protecting the value of their touristic environment. International cooperation - common methods based on cooperative learning - will let us build a group and will promote collaboration. The project will put schools into cooperation with local, national and international institutions and organisations and it will encourage cross-curricular approaches. In order to get the partners to work towards a common purpose, staff will interact effectively with each other, creating international teams and sharing experiences whilst providing a unique opportunity for partners to input their own expertise and learn from each other. The project will have both intangible results (new content learned by the participants, improved learning in relevant subject areas, new skills acquired )and tangible results (concrete products). We will use the outcomes as a measure of the extent to which the project has contributed to the learning experiences of those involved and the quality of education on offer in the schools participating. The partnership will have a positive impact on the participating institutions by building a community consisting of teachers and students who have a strong commitment to and a sense of ownership of the project. By creating and carrying out several creative dissemination techniques and activities, it will also enable a wider community (stakeholders, parents, school authorities, hotels )to benefit from our partnership in the long run.



7 Participants partenaires