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Aktywni, młodzi, przedsiębiorczy – cykl spotkań z władzami lokalnymi
Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The " Aktywni, młodzi, przedsiębiorczy – cykl spotkań z władzami lokalnymi" is a series of ten two-days long activities including youth meeting with the representatives of local, regional or national authorities. The action will be attended by young people from ten provinces in Poland. The project is destined for young people from all over the country, 25 persons per each meeting,whichgives a total number of 250 participants. The people who will participate are:high school students , university students and representatives of organizations for young people in rural areas. The project is dedicated especially for those people who come from rural and semi-urban areas, who recognize the problems afflicting the youth of the Polish countryside .The inspiration for the project is the need to stop the outflow of Polish youth from rural areas and to sensitize local authorities on the need to support efforts to create new jobs opportunities in rural areas. The aim of the project is to increase knowledge and stimulate a debate about earning activities in rural and semi-urban areas. We note shortage of mechanisms that create activity of young people in public, social and political life and participation in decisions affecting young people. It’s important to discuss and present the biggest problems of the local youth. We strive to ensure that the voice of the young generation will be heard. We want to activate young people from rural areas in order to participate and present topics that concern them. The project will take the form of debate, between youth and representatives of local authorities. We will carry out a workshop, during which participants will create a list of demands which will be presented during the meeting and then forwarded to the relevant institutions .As a results young people will become more active in the search for innovative income-earning opportunities in rural and semi-urban areas. They will be inspire to be active in entrepreneurship. The activities will arouse their creativity and ability to indicate the appropriate solutions for structural problems. The debate will initiate young people desire an active business in society and the public debate on topics such as social exclusion and digital exclusion. Young will discuss about the social economy and economic clusters. Young people will take solidarity in the pursuit of common goals toward policies towards young people in rural and semi-urban areas and confront their ideas and views with policy makers.

