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Agricultura ecologica fara frontiere
Date du début: 15 nov. 2015, Date de fin: 14 nov. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project entitled `Ecologists without Fronteers` is addressed to a group of 14 students in the tenth grade, who are in initial vocational training at Colegiul Agricol Nr. 1 Valea lui Mihai, Bihor county, specialization agronomist technician and it aims to improve the skills and competences contained in merged practice training module Ecological Agriculture according to O.M.E.C.T.S. 3081/12.06.2010. The stage will take place 2 weeks/6 hours/day/60 hours. The project responds to the current trend and target proposed by Bihor county to sustainable recovery of natural resources by increasing the number of commercial agricultural exploitations, by the modernization of subsistence farms (family farms)and establishing new ones, forming graduates who have work experience in family farms, teaching them to set up such farms, to coordinate them, to use machines and modern technologies, to yield the products obtained. Under the supervision of Italian specialists, students will practically learn to determine the optimum time of soil works, to execute the works prior for planting, to determine the quality of the fertilization work , soil preparation, to establish crops in organic system, to perform and maintain animal care work in eco system. Students will identify specific elements of bio-label, the traceability of organic production, will recognize species/varieties of culture, animal breeds, way of care and maintenance, identification of the range of forages, will learn the standards of hygiene and specific labor safety. Students will have the opportunity to see how family farms are organized in terms of legal and administrative, which are their needs, production technologies used, the distribution of obtained products, things which will provide them with ideas and will help them to find solutions for practicing organic agriculture, which respects human kind, nature and the environment and for a successfully career in the future. Transnational partnership alignes: Colegiul Agricol Nr. 1 Valea lui Mihai – project beneficiary, Fattoria Biologica Patrice – practice partner. Mobility will be carried out in May 2016. General objective: - the improvement of general and transverse technical competencies of future agronom technicians , in order to facilitate their insertion in the labor market Specific objectives: - the obtainance of products in eco systems, through training stages in Italian family farms, to ensure better professional integration and obtaining performance in the pursuit of the occupation - Improving communication skills in modern languages: English and Italian, social competencies, interculturale in order to improve future professional experiences of participants and to enlarge their educational perspectives - Achieving and perfectioning of antrepreneurship skills by observing the functioning and organization of family farms Work themes: - Preliminary work on establishing the organically cultivated fields - Organic crop establishment by sowing or planting - The care and maintenance of animals in eco system Results: - 14 students with superior competencies and practical skills in obtaining eco products, improved linguistic competencies and knowledge in organizing and functioning of family farms - increasing the entering the labor market at regional, national and European level of the graduates - increase school reputation - 14 portofolios of practice - 10 posters and 100 flyers with the project presentation - one auxiliar curricula „Organic Agriculture” -web page -30 CD with examples of good practices during the internships - photographic exhibition -5 articles in the school magazine



1 Participants partenaires