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Adaptation of the LEARNING-BY-DOING Methodology for the Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies for unemployed people formed in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the sector of buildings and new constructions
Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

CONTEXT The European Union (EU) is committed to boosting entrepreneurship as part of its strategy to transform its economy and build its future economic and competitive strength, no matter the sector it is. The LBD-DECR3E goals are directly related with the entrepreneurship ones defined by the European Commission: - Promote personal skills: creativity, risk taking and responsibility - Problem solving skills: planning capacity, decision taking and communication, cooperation, networking... - Self-confidence and motivation to act and learn in an autonomous way. - Innovation as a competitive asset - Self-employment as a key for achieving smart, sustainable and inclusive growth - Entrepreneurial skills to start up new projects or implement new ideas Recent changes in the conception and design of teaching-learning process point the need for a greater autonomy and local decision-making power to the student, regardless of whether it belong to the education, industrial or services sector. The education model and even the form of interaction between the student and the trainer must change, and suggest new and effective alternatives to ensure an adequacy of interesting profiles. PROJECT OBJECTIVES LBD-DECR3E will develop an innovative training model to enhance professional skills and capacities on energy efficiency in the sector of buildings and constructions (EEB), using the “learn-by-doing” (LBD) and team academy methodology. The target group is unemployed people with previous graduation and/or professional experience in the field of R3E and EEB. It will address both : - unemployed people with previous professional experience with the aim to provide them with higher and more specific job skills on EEB; - unemployed but recently graduated people with the aim to make them closer to the entrepreneur world, enhancing their capacities of new business models creation in the field of EEB. NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS The profile of participant can be presented into 3 categories : 1. training staff and expert that will use the LBD and team academy method to be tested and adapted to EEB up-skilling during pilot sessions (see O1/A3) NUMBER : 6 2. VET providers staff (trainers) to participate in the pilot sessions (see O1/A3) and receive training (see O2/A1) on what is and how to use the new LBD R3E-EEB methodology design in the project NUMBER : 10 3. Trainees : unemployed people with previous graduation and/or professional experience in the field of R3E that will participate to the pilot sessions (see O1/A3) NUMBER : 60 SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE RESULTS AND IMPACTS TANGIBLE RESULTS O1: New LBD R3E-EEB Methodology for Training and Entrepreneurship opportunities O2: New LBD R3E-EEB Trainers' Handbook O3: New LBD R3E-EEB Training Program MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES RESULTS 1 Project management and implementation guide (internal tool) 1 Project Image handbook including project's logo 1 Project intranet for internal coordination and common documents management 1 Project official and public website 1 Project brochure (project information and publicity) 1 Quality control strategy and evaluation report 1 Exploitation strategy report DISSEMINATION RESULTS 1 Dissemination strategy 2 National Dissemination workshops: - National Multiplier Event in Bristol, UK (month 23) - National Multiplier Event in Turku, FIN (month 23) 1 Final Conference : International Multiplier Event in Pamplona, SP (month 24) GENERAL IMPACTS - Increased offer of high quality Vocational Training on R3E & Energy Efficiency for Buildings (EEB); - Increased number of skilled and trained professionals in R3E & EEB field; - Contribution to growth and employment, in the framework of a Green and Low Carbon Economy in EU. DESIRED IMPACT AT EU LEVEL - National Qualification bodies from the EU and the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEFEDOP) will have access to evidence based policy recommendations for the review of the professional qualifications for R3E & EEB workers at national level ; - The method followed by LBD-R3E Training Program can also be widely transferred to other national countries and highly replicated according to local strategies; - LBD-DECR3E project as general will also contribute to EU's Cohesion Policy, as it represents a capacity building process, transferring knowledge to other EU countries. POTENTIAL LONGER TERM BENEFITS The most important end users are unemployed people who want to enter in the green job market, all over Europe. The LBD-DECR3E project should contribute to comply with the European objectives the EU 2020 Strategy on employment and labour insertion, as well as the new strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training ET 2020 (improving the quality and efficiency of education and training, enabling all citizens to develop skills and competencies for their employability, and enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship).



3 Participants partenaires