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Active For Intercultural Dialogue
Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

AFID is a project lead by Red Acoge, a Spanish organisation working for the promotion of migrants? human rights. The main activity consists of an intercultural Youth Exchange, where young migrants and young Europeans had the opportunity to meet for five days in Madrid (Spain) with the aim to share experiences and develop joint strategies related to active participation and young immigrants? citizenship in the European Union. The Exchange took place on April 20-24th 2015, and the methodology used is based on Non formal education principles, as a tool for promoting participation and development of social and civic competences. AFID Youth Exchange allowed participation of 44 youngsters, ages between 17 and 30, coming from Italy, Germany, Spain and Hungary. 75% of the young participants were immigrants or have a migrant backround. They were accompanied by 11 group leaders, which are responsible adults from the Partner Organisations: EnAIP Piemonte, Italy Associazione S.A.L. Solidarietà con l'America Latina onlus, Italy IG Initiativgruppe Interkulturelle Begegnung und Bildung e.V., Germany Dél-Alföldi Regionális Társadalomtudományi Kutatási Egyesület, Hungary All of them lead youth participation processes and have great experience in immigrants integration programs in Europe. Related to the methodology used, Red Acoge and the Partner Organisations have designed this project and its contents following the principles of Intercultural Education. This approach appears useful for re-thinking Non formal education actions in the context of cultural diversity, because it deals with participation, inclusive education and it values diversity as a rewarding component. Youth groups arrived in Madrid on Sunday April 19th, and got together in a rural community located between the towns of Ciempozuelos and Chinchón. On the first day, presentation activities were held, led by Red Acoge youth group. In the afternoon, participants worked in groups to analyse migrants Human Rights situation in each of the European countries where they live, based on the Universal Declaration, they could choose a fact to go deep. The second part of the workshop consisted of representing the case using techniques of image theatre. The second day, participants asked to continue with the analysis of migrants Human Rights situation in each country, focusing on youth, and each group presented the situation in their country of residence. On the afternoon the group went for a walk to know the area and there was time for the Working Groups to prepare the workshops for the next day. During the third day, the group participated in workshops that each Working Group had designed during the Preparation phase of the project. Two simultaneous workshops were held during the morning and two during the afternoon. The fourth day in the morning all the groups and organisations had the opportunity to exchange good practices and experiences in an association flee-market that the youth groups creatively designed. Participants asked to have some time to share with the whole group the results of the workshops which took place the day before: story-telling for equality, short films about intercultural communication, etc. during the afternoon, Initiativ Gruppe youth group led a workshop about national and international advocacy and possible channels for action related to young migrants participation and non-discrimination. Group leaders held a meeting in which they expressed their interest to continue the networking started with this project and discussed possible joint lines of action. The fifth day in the morning, the group had some time for evaluation at different levels: working groups from each country in which they evaluated positive and negative aspects of the exchange, an open space in which they presented their ideas and sharing of conclusions of the workshop about advocacy led by the German group. In the afternoon, the group was transferred to Madrid city center, where they had time to know the most emblematic places, to end with a farewell dinner and closure of the Exchange. Everyday started with an assembly in which ten group talked about: logistics, doubts, evaluation of the previous day and general evaluation of the development of the activity, and ended with a fun intercultural activity. AFID Youth Exchange has promoted new actions related to the topics of youth participation and migrants? human rights in each location where the Participant organisations develop their work. It was useful for exchanging good practices, boosting innovation thanks to diversity amongst participants and organisations. This project was the first step towards the establishment of a network of organisations working youth for young migrants? participation, which will allow proliferation of results and outputs of this project, at a local, national and international level in the future.



5 Participants partenaires