Rechercher des projets européens

Action Gallery
Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Richter is involved in EVS projects since 1997. Our organization is an active promoter and developer of non formal education and supporter of peer-education. Richter want to bring a variety of artistic European youngsters together in a melting pot of ideas and creativity and offers to the youngster a chance to work in a very (creative) active organisation. The project consists of working in the daily routine of the gallery and besides this they are able to create personal art projects. During the short term project we invite the volunteer to challenge themselves to work with other EVS volunteers. Goal is to create art exhibitions in any way thinkable in and around the Richter gallery. Beside creating their own exhibitions (indivual or as a group), the volunteer will be working together with the other (EVS) volunteers to promote EVS and the Erasumus+ -programma and all activities of our organisation on local highschools and arts organization. The Action Gallery contain 3 periods: 4 volunteers from 24 September 2016 to 24 December 2016 4 volunteer from 11 January 2017 to 11 April 20174 volunteers from 20 April 2017 to 20 August 2017With hosting a diversity of European volunteers within a short period we will strongly contribute to the European identity of young people in Europe. This project is more than just volunteer work with EVS, because it encourages artistic work and expression. It is an opportunity not only to meet interesting people with different cultural backgrounds, but also to explore creative possibilities, in a short period and responds to the short attention span of today's youth.A distinct characteristic of this project is the gathering of a mix of young Europeans with young people living on the outside of Europe and with local youth. With these three elements we hope to develop a better understanding of each other's situation and encourage the integration process. An other strong objective to organize this kind of events is that it create the opportunity for young people to broaden their horizons. By participating in international projects the volunteer will learn new habbits, a new language and it provides the possibility to discover a foreign culture. The stay abroad promotes mutual understanding and tolerance between the above mentioned mix of young Europeans. Further on we hope to inspire local young people by meeting volunteers from other cultures to think about their position in Europe. It is a highly valuable experience for young people to see other cultures and to see the differences and similarities between them. This project offers the chance to our volunteers and local youth to have this experience. With this project we especially hope to inform young people from Den Helder on the new Erasmus+ program. Besides this we want to make the volunteers and local youth acquainted with art. Art can be seen as an expressive form of one’s culture. Unfortunately art is often regarded as boring, dusty and something for the elite. This project shows the youth that installations and painting are exciting, fun and open for all who are interested. By organizing activities in the gallery art can be something that lives for the youth of Den Helder. Our organization supports the activities of a daycare centre for people with psychological difficulties, Our volunteer assist staff members of the Daily Activity Centre. In this way our volunteers get acquainted with the stories of the people that visiting and it’s a very educational experience that prevents people to get prejudiced about challenged groups in European society. We like to involve our volunteers directly in our international projects. In this way they can learn about project management and the structure of international youth programs. Besides participating in projects, the volunteers study on the Erasmus+ program.In our organization there is no difference between male and female staff members. In all our activities we practice democracy when its useful. It speaks for itself that we respect other cultures and do not accept xenophobia and racism (even though this occurs with volunteers). Next to all aforementioned activities we offer our volunteers the chance to take part in our local activities.All and all a busy project with various activities. However our opinion is that the biggest thrill is not the work itself but the project as a whole experience.



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