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Act To Be Part Of Europe II
Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Project, which is called "Act to be Part of Europe II" will be implemented under the European Voluntary Service Programme between July 1st , 2016 and August 31st , 2017.There are two different partners which will serve as both sending and receiving organizations, one from Italy and one from Romania, in addition to Akdeniz University which will be the sending, coordinating and hosting organization. The Italian and Romanian receiving organizations will accept 28 volunteers between the ages of 17 and 30, all of whom have educational, social, cultural and health handicaps. Of the volunteers, 16 will go to Italy and 12 to Romania as short-term volunteers.The aims of the project are to provide a chance for young people who have fewer opportunities to go abroad for a month, during which time they will work on projects using non-formal education methods. During the duration of the project the volunteers will be involved in cultural and social activities dealing with basic competences such as arts or digital communication in the international area.



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