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European Projects
Abriendo vías de comunicación y entendimiento en u..
Abriendo vías de comunicación y entendimiento en una Europa plurilingüe
Date du début: 1 juin 2015,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2017
One of the main strategic lines of the Plan of Direction of the IES Eunate is the commitment to promote bilingual sections in English and French (CLIL). This is also contained in the Annual General Programming of the school. In its Improvement Plan, it is also collected that the school will enhance the access to the bilingual English section of all the students who enroll in 1st level of Secondary Compulsory Education (ESO).
In regards to the French section, the bet of the school will not be aimed at all the students, because French is an optional subject and they start from zero in 1st ESO. However, even though the school selects the students who take part in this section taking into account their academic performance in Primary Education, bilingual French section receives a very positive response from families and students.
The commitment to enhance the bilingual sections joins our goal of improving the teaching of foreign languages in our high school. The name of this project summarizes what we want to accomplish: “Opening ways for communication and understanding in a multilingual Europe” because we are aware of the need and convenience, from the personal to the professional level, to be competent in foreign languages, English above all. Our starting point is bilingualism, as speakers of Castilian and Basque, our national languages, and from there we are walking towards multilingualism, English as a global language, and French, as the language of our neighbours in the North as Navarre borders France.
"Opening ways of communication and understanding in a multilingual Europe" also means another key point in our plans as a school: internationalization. We can consider ourselves a bit veterans in this because of our experience, even though it is modest because of lack of funds, in exchanges with other European schools, Comenius projects, study and cultural tours, etc.
We are enterprising and want to innovate, and that is why we are working on a project K2 Erasmus + with Finland, organizing exhanges with Belgium and France, increasingly incorporating eTwinning in our teaching, etc. In our internationalization experience we have met other schools and worked good relationships. One of them is Joensuun Lyseo Lukio of Finland. It has been easy for us to establish a partnership to be able to include job shadowing activities in this project, so that teachers from Eunate school can live the highly successful Finnish experience in education.
We intend to mobilize 18 workers (17 teachers and 1 officer) of Eunate school in 24 months to participate in training courses in the UK and France, and 1 more teacher who will move to Finland to observe good practice. All teachers have four or five-year university studies. All have knowledge of English and / or French at different levels. A good portion of them teach courses in CLIL, others want to acquire the skills necessary to do so in the coming years, others are foreign language teachers and others are seeking to improve their language skills to participate in eTwinning projects, Erasmus +, etc. Most of them are career officials and have final destination in the center.
The activities included in this project are twofold:
1. Conduct training courses abroad to improve linguistic, methodological, ICT and management skills.
2. Participate in the activity of observing good practice with our Finnish partner.
The result that we get is:
1.Improving the linguistic and methodological skills to enhance and give more quality to the bilingual sections of Eunate school and enlarge, in the near future, the CLIL number of subjects offered, and the Bachelor (bilingual English section).
2. Increasing internationalization of the center through eTwinning projects, Erasmus +, exchanges, etc.
3. Enable participants to obtain formal qualifications at different levels in English and French and, in some cases, providing them with the necessary qualifications to teach subjects in CLIL according to legal requirements.
4. Improving the training of our students so they can compete in the future in the labor market and European and global entrepreneurship.
5. Enlargement of the European dimension of the educational community and their sense of belonging to the European Union.
The impact will be short, medium and long term with a multiplier effect to be transmitted from the participants to the rest of the educational community of Eunate school and of Navarre through its dissemination beyond our high school.
In short, the benefit shall be continuous and promote the quality of education as a whole, internationalization and innovation.
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