Rechercher des projets européens

Ablak a világra-nemzetközi tanulmányutak a minőségi oktatásért
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The title of our project is Window to the World: International Study Trips for Quality Education. Our main aim is to launch our school on new paths of development through international cooperation and enable our teaching staff to gain competence in organizing and executing international projects in the future. Felsőtárkány is a small village in the northeastern region of Hungary and it has a population of around 3700 people. Our school has 8 classes from Grade 1 through 8 with around 190 students aged 6-15. At the school, we place special emphasis on quality education and on improving conditions for learning. The education program of the school gives high priority to foreign language education (English) and information technology education. Both subjects are taught in small groups and the students have a high number of classes per week. As we were trying to find new, alternative ways of development, we started to study the methodology and practice of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), which we hope to integrate in our school practices. A considerable number of our students come from low-income families and some of them suffer from a learning disability. We find it crucial to provide our students with access to a wide range of learning opportunities, which can ensure equal opportunities in their everyday life and further education. In our present project we are planning 7 mobilities to 3 different European countries: Spain, the United Kingdom and Ireland. The project starts on September 1, 2014 and is 1 year long. We have chosen the participants of the planned project on a voluntary basis. As another important factor of the decision we took into consideration the applicants' motivation and their willingness to aquire new and relevant skills to contribute to the success of the project. We are planning 2 mobilities to La Aceña School is Mazarrón, Spain. During a two week study trip, one of our colleagues will study the Spanish education system and gain experiences of school management and other local practices. During the same period of time another colleague is planning to do job shadowing and practice teaching to learn and share effective language teaching strategies as well as discover the possibilities of the content based approach to language teaching. We are planning a mobility to Dublin, Ireland where another colleague will take part in a methodology course (The Theory and Practice of CLIL) organized by the Alpha Training Center, Dublin. Four other colleagues will take part in a Better English for Teachers program organized by the International Project Center in Exeter, UK in order to improve their communication skills and overall foreign language competence. All the planned mobilities can make a major contribution to promoting efficiency at various levels of education in our school. Through establishing international connections we can lay the foundation of possible future projects. Our head teachers can improve their leadership skills and learn about the culture and the education system of another European country. Our foreign language teachers can improve their teaching skills by discovering new techniques and practices. By broadening their methodological competence they can promote quality language education in our institution. The colleagues who will take part in the Better English for Teachers program can improve their communication skills in English, which enables them to take part in future projects, lead project activities and help students prepare for student exchange programs. We have also started to work on a strategic partnership program which we are planning to hand in in 2015. The aim of our mutual project is to realize activities where we use our experience and knowedge about CLIL as well as find new ways of its application. Based on the achievements of the program, the present practices of our school will be enriched with a European dimension which can help both teachers and students realize the importance of tolerance and equal treatment and adopt a more open attitude to social and cultural differences.


1 Participants partenaires