Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The ABEONA project aims at strengthening youth workers competences to better support young people in foster or residential care in succeeding in their transition to independent adult living, and hence to promote young people’s social inclusion and well-being.Care leavers are a vulnerable group who, without targeted support, may face an increased risk of social exclusion through issues such as homelessness and unemployment. The success of their transition to adulthood is therefore partly related to their ability to establish a foothold on the career ladder, either through education and training or through first work experiences. To do so, young people need to develop some formal and informal job-related capacities during their teenage years. These can be improved thanks to the educational support of youth workers.However, youth workers often lack the necessary tools and methodologies to provide an efficient support to the youth in the area of professional integration. Therefore, the ABEONA project aims at pooling the good practices already experimented among youth workers in Europe and at developing subsequently a training program that would improve their support to young people in foster or residential care in their transition into independent adult living.To reach those objectives the ABEONA project aims to set up a best practice methodology exchange between European organizations working in the youth care sector. The operational objectives are to design adapted training modules and tools for the professionals dealing with young care leavers to assist them during the transition phase between the care environment and the professional world. Next to those concrete actions and deliverables, a focus will also be done on the political dimension on the subject. The point will be that the consortium identifies topics regarding youth workers work or care leavers conditions that will be analysed during the project to bring some arguments and proposal to the European bodies. Drawing on Groupe SOS Youth sector experimentation on care leavers integration, the consortium of partners is composed of 10 different organisations with specific competences. Indeed, ABEONA gathers field organisations as well as federations of care institutions, Scholars, School of social workers and EUROCEF INGO.Each partner is involved in regards of its skills and asset in the different project's phases:1/ Study on care leavers and social workers needs and collection of good practices2/European Conference on children at risks3/Training material and tool kits designing4/Experimentation: training of 160 youth workers and testing the practices with 300 youth between 15-215/Evaluation of the program6/ Dissemination and consolidation of a European NetworkThe ultimate impact of the ABEONA project is to promote the youth leaving care systems access to an autonomous and balanced adult life.To reach such an objective we do believe that besides care leaving material support on housing or administrative help, what’s at stake is the maturation of the personal and professional project of the youth. That is why the main expected impact of the ABEONA project is to deliver a package of competences and tools for social workers to support young people in this reflection and its implementation.



9 Participants partenaires