Rechercher des projets européens

AB Normunda Form Tutmak İçin Eğitim Şart!
Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our project aims to deal with or decrease the main problems of our education region such as early school leaving and also enrich our school's education activities and our staff's pedagogical and professional qualifications. Our project consists of two step: 1st step is treatment and 2nd step is cure. Improving our staff's speaking foreign language abilities, updating ourselves according to the curricular innovations of the current age which are changing rapidly, to be acquianted with and an organ of European identity, and catch up with new deevlopments in the age's level are among our main targets. Our project to which our 11 teachers who know themselves very well , aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and willing to develop themselves in individual and professional areas, believing that this project reach them and their pupils is containing these three parts: A) Preparation: Checking our background before these seminars, completing language preparations, routine travel preparations, motivation to the planned courses, shares about courses' terminology and destinations' geographical features etc. B) Experiences (Courses): 1- ''How to build motivation for early school leaving and how to teach safety for convivencia in schools'' / Quarter Mediation Training Centre (QMED) - Netherlands / 6 attenders (7-13 February 2016), 2- ''Creativity in teaching and training & how to use music, art, ICT and sport in education'' / Quarter Mediation Training Centre (QMED) - Malta / 8 attenders (13-19 March 2016). C) Dissemination: Introducing experiences acquired along seminars via distributing wall charts, booklets, CDs and taking feedback reports. Also organizing consensus meetings to be held and analysis of the data gathered in research area. Predicted results after the project's completion: a) Stopping or decreasing early school leaving in our region will be realized, b) Our school's education atmosphere will be more enjoyable compared to previous years, c) With the dissemination of convivencia phonemenon, the violence in families and social life areas will be precauted, d) New enriched methods and techniques will be experienced to the students who are in mainstreaming programmes, e) Interests and stimulations to the lessons will be increased and the pupils' problem 'time line' will be solved. Possible uses of our project in long term: a) Our school will both have taken back its prestige again and been a muse to add a dignity for high schools in the competition with vocational high schools, b) The phonemenon 'convivencia' will have been disseminated against the probable disputes with the multiculturality which is being common day by day, c) This will be the first one of integration efforts to Europe in Tefenni with the cultural adverts that will go on.

