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"A world of knowledge": Developing CLIL activities for Maths , Science and other subjects in English at I.E.S. Las Fuentezuelas, Jaén Spain.
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

CONTEXT FOR THE PROJECT AND METHODOLOGY: In order to introduce the new and motivating methodology of Bilinguism (CLIL) in our school, we , IES Las Fuentezuelas Secondary School have set out to apply for the Erasmus + training programme staff mobility. This valuable help will be essential for our teachers (foreign language and other subjects) to be able to face this challenging and exciting experience of teaching their subjects partially in a foreign language. they will later share their knowledge and insight with other colleagues, who will come into the bilingual programme gradually. PARTICIPANTS: Participants will be Maths and Science teacher who teach their subjects partially in English wth a B2 or C1 level of competence in the English language. Along with them the Coordinator for Bilingual Studies will also take part in the activities. They will have priority over other teachers who will soon be coming into the bilingual programme with students. These teachers are the ones to acquire the necessary skills and techniques to implement bilinguism to students. ACTIVITIES: There will be two types of activities: One the one hand there will be organised and structured short courses of one and two weeks of duration during the summer in Cheltenham, England. They consist in learning the techniques for teachers giving their lessons in a foreign language (English). On the other, there will be a job observation period in a Secondary School ""Lytchett Minster"" (Poole, England) of one week during the next academic year 2014-15. RESULTS AND IMPACT: The specific goals in terms of modernisation that our institution intends to achieve by participating in the Programme are as follows: 1. To improve educational quality and to increase staff mobility in our institution. 2. To enhance multilateral cooperation with other higher education European institutions. 3. To promote cooperation between our institution and other European schools. 4. To facilitate the development of innovative practice in teaching and training. The expected impact of our participation in the programme would be highly positive for the following reasons: - It would encourage our students to learn and improve other foreign languages. - It would enable us to make contacts between our institution and schools in countries of our environment and to be able to collaborate in the future. - It might be possible to increase the number of students enrolling in our school for the possibility of taking exchange school programmes abroad. - It would be the perfect complement to the Bilingual Programme starting in year 20 13-14 in our school. - It would allow students and staff to gain experiences and good practice from the host institutions and thus, to enable us to improve our teaching skills, by means of knowledge transfer and practical skills acquisition. LONG TERM BENEFITS: The training activities to be carried out will provide valuable material for bilingual teaching of subjects in the form of : - Bilingual teaching activities and tasks. - New techniques and strategies for implementing this methodology. - Learning how to use ICTs in teaching bilingual students.

