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A magyar - szlovák KKV-k együttműködésének támogat.. (SME CoS HU - SK)
A magyar - szlovák KKV-k együttműködésének támogatása / Podpora maďarsko - slovenskej spolupráce MSP
Date du début: 31 août 2009,
Date de fin: 14 nov. 2010
Taking into account a development potential of SMEs it is crucial to support their sustainable development, to make the best of their business opportunities and to amplify their competitiveness. There are important differences on NUTS-2 level in Hungary. The densest concentration of SMEs is in Central Hungarian Region, the Norden Hungarian Region in Slovak - Hungarian border area differs markedly. There are also sensible differences in figures on NUTS-3 level: three regions with the least business activity are Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén and Nógrád, regions bordering with Slovakia. There is a lack of complex services for SMEs and of specific expert support tailor-made for SMEs located in the border region. In Slovakia, there is no support (neither financial nor any other) for clusters creation. Slovak companies miss even basic information about reasons why to establish a cluster, what is the added value of cluster membership, it is important to inform Slovak companies and to motivate them to use new forms of improvement of their own competitiveness. In Slovakia as well as in Hungary there is a lack of complex platform for know-how and best practices transfer, for information and consultancy services. The Slovak Lead partner - National Agency for Development of SMEs covers the whole eligible territory through its network of 25 regional centres, they offer a wide scope of services for SMEs what is a solid base to build on new innovative services for the whole border territory. The Hungarian partner is also able to cover all the eligible area on the Hungarian side. We learned from a survey made among companies in border area that they miss a database of companies on the other side of the border (companies economic figures included), there is nobody to organise seminars, business missions, company visits or other cross-border business events. Companies miss information about how to start business on the other side of the border, how to employ people from the other c Achievements: There are significant differences in the number and possibilities of the SME sector in the programme area. Often, in less developed counties, small and medium-sized enterprises lack the basic professional services for future development. Existing SMEs do not have any high level support for creating new clusters, or information to join existing ones. The project\'s aim was to create a physical and online platform where interested companies can share cross border experiences, get to know each other, find new know-how materials, use professional consultancy services or get support to create or join existing cluster initiatives. The main result of the project is the possibility to build relationships and strengthen the cooperation between operating SMEs in the programme area, which can use similar quality services across the whole border area.
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