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A Key for the Quality in the development and responsible value build up of agro-food resources from both Adriatic coasts (KEY Q)
Date du début: 28 févr. 2011, Date de fin: 30 mai 2013 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project has a complex general objective aiming to promote an integrated and sustainable development of the Adriatic area by the valorisation, from the tourism point of view, of typical products and agro-food resources in terms of: -Environmental and cultural heritage (gastronomic culture and exploitation of typical products) -Human capital (competences and employment) -Citizens education to aware food consumption and quality products. The aware development of high quality diffuse tourism can help local economies, without negative environmental impacts on natural resources, contributing to social stability and balance in the relations between urban and rural areas, coastal and inland territories, and between countries sharing the same high level natural and cultural richness. The project goal is to support the exchange of experiences, competences, expertise, and professionals, as like as the mobility of workers and students for the development of an integrated tourist offer among territories based on quality agro-food products and catering. The key integration points are: 1. Education/Training needs, 2. Typical productions: protection, exploitation and integrated promotion on the territory, 3. Human resources qualification (trainers, teachers, students, actors from the agro-food sector, such as: production and transformation enterprises, especially in the catering and agro-tourism area, and public-private partnerships for the protection and valorisation of products). The project is expected to realise: • a good and participated management and coordination; • an efficient monitoring and a participated "decision based" evaluation process (producing intermediate and final reports); • effective promotion and communication: project web site, blog area; a kick off meeting; cross-border promotion seminar, international gastronomic fair; • a set of training resources, including infrastructures, human resources, training modules and educational materials: * a fully equipped cross-border didactic kitchen; *an international team of specialised trainers for the valorisation of typical local products; *5 common training modules for the qualification of human resources in the in the field of agro-food and typical products exploitation (modules are addressed to different target groups: teachers/trainers, students, citizens in general, economic stakeholders such as professional cooks, entrepreneurs and managers from restaurant and agro-tourist subjects; new training curricula are tested by a total number of around 330 people for the whole project); *common educational materials (materials are addressed to different target groups: young and adult citizens, economic actors from the agro-food and catering sectors; they are distributed to about 7 schools/vocational training centres in the programme area • A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING and STANDING THEMATIC WORKGROUPS working together for the improvement of cross-border public-private partnerships for the qualification of human resources in hospitality and agro-food industry and the joint promotion of a culture for quality-typical food • A COOKBOOK PRESENTING NEW RECEIPTS created by cooking teachers/trainers/students and restaurant / agro-tourist professional cooks for the valorisation of typical products and A WEB MAP OF POINTS OF INTEREST FOR INTEGRATED TOURISM ROUTES focused on healthy, high quality, local food. • EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTISES among trainers, teachers and economic operators • A FEASIBILITY STUDY (including a study visit) and PILOT ACTIONS (targeting about 20 people) FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING FARMS/CITY FARMS in the Adriatic area, beginning from Istria and West Herzegovina Canton, to be connected with the existing ones • AN INTERNATIONAL CROSS-BORDER GASTRONOMIC FAIR (70 participants expected) for the promotion of typical products and catering/hospitality industry in the Adriatic Area.



  • 85%   576 040,75
  • 2007 - 2013 Adriatic IPA CBC (IT-SI-EL-HR-BA-ME-AL-RS)
  • Projet sur KEEP platform
Projet Website

2 Participants partenaires