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3 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 1 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2019,

"Based on thorough integrated climate planning the READY project will demonstrate a Whole City Approach including: 1) Demo of a balanced and holistic approach towards affordable retrofitting of residential buildings and offices 2) Development and demo of new solutions for low-temp. district heating, components and management ICT systems 3) Development and demo of flexible combined grid balancing/e ...
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The aim of the e2 project is to create additional jobs and to increase dynamics within individual companies and organisations through the development of an on-line, interactive, modular entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial educational programme based upon the results obtained by the European Entrepreneur School, a concept developed within a previously funded Leonardo da Vinci project.The project aims t ...
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The Virtual Glass Academy project will develop and test a pedagogical model for problem-oriented (day to day problems faced by employees), interactive, net-based courses with multimedia support, aimed particularly at those within the glassworking industry.Through the exploration and testing of a variety of pedagogical and technical methods, a training model and course will be developed for existin ...
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