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3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

SZENIK est un nouveau media Internet culturel et un portail deréférence dédié aux arts du spectacle vivant de la région du Rhinsupérieur. Il se distingue par la place centrale accordée à la vidéo etau live streaming, qui doivent permettre de faire rayonner les artsvivants du Rhin supérieur dans tout lespace transfrontalier maisaussi de leur donner une vitrine à léchelle européenne. Le projetpermet ...
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The VIP project aims to respond to significant changes within the European performing art sector, in particular to the transformation as regards strategies, structures, management, design and production of scenography and stage technologies. To achieve this, the project will design and introduce innovative training models and will aim to forecast new skills profiles (e.g. (director, scenery design ...
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The European Theatre Convention develops during 2011 - 2013 the second edition of the artistic education programme ‘Young Europe’ focusing on youth theatre, theatre education and multilingualism in theatre. The general aim is to produce new multilingual plays with and for youth in close collaboration with young theatre professionals who will be working across Europe, through workshops and creation ...
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