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3 projets européens trouvés

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Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) is the renewable energy source with the highest potential for growth. From a strict techno-economic aspect, the two CSP technologies which are currently commercially viable are those based on parabolic trough and Linear Fresnel Reflector designs. Parabolic trough concentrators are the most widely deployed type of solar thermal power plant. Most of the existing parabo ...
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Plastics tanks are normally designed for a finite life, usually between 15 and 25 years. However, due to economic pressure many of these tanks are still in operation beyond their design life, often with little or no engineering justification. It is also not uncommon for plastics tanks to be used for storing chemicals that they were not designed to contain. For these reasons it is important that op ...
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...tive Acoustic Emission (QAE) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). However, they all provide limited information and require a high level of technical interpretation.Cross-It project will develop a new technology based on Ultrasonic Guided Waves, Automotive thermography and advanced GPR techniques to inspect the concrete structure for dangerous levels of age-related degradation, which could consist ...
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