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6 projets européens trouvés

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Internationalisering på Svendborg Erhvervsskole

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

Participants: Warwickshire College, Warwickshire - UK and Svendborg Business College, Svendborg, Denmark Debla, Malaga, Spain - Svendborg Business College, Svendborg, Denmark The background of the project is to improve the quality and volume of student mobility in Europe, in order to increase the number of internships at home and abroad. The project should also be seen in rel ...
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Date du début: 30 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2018,

Three VET High Schools are participating in the project: one from Madrid Region (Spain), and two from Denmark (located in Svendborg and Rodovre - Copenhagen). The three schools are developing Wood and Furniture learning and are interested in different professional aspects of this field. There are also three Danish companies involved in it.The planned activities are:A1: mobility for students learni ...
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Mobility with ERASMUS+ in 2016.

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

Participants: Warwickshire College, Warwickshire - UK and Svendborg Business, Svendborg, Denmark                      Debla, Malaga, Spain - Svendborg Business, Svendborg, Denmark The background of the project is to improve the quality and volume of student mobility in Europe, in order to increase the number of internships in companies at home and abroad. The project should also be seen in relatio ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

The educational offer in IES Jose Luis Lopez Aranguren is Secundary Education and Vocational Education and Training (professional family of wood and furniture). It is located in a socioeconomically hard area of the city of Fuenlabrada, which means that many of our students come from working families with few resources and very low levels of training. This reason also prevents them from participati ...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

In this project are involved three Thecnical Vocation Institutes (Two from Madrid and one from Svendborg, Denmark), that belong to the Professional Family of Wood and Furniture, interested in aspects of the profession. There are also 5 Danish companies from the sector involved in. The activities planned are: A1: Students mobility with the aim of doing their Practical Vocational training in a Dani ...
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Health Games

Date du début: 30 août 2010, Date de fin: 30 mai 2013,

Das Projekt verfolgt das direkte Ziel, zwei bis vier Prototypen für Gesundheitsspiele mit geschäftlichem Potenzial zu schaffen. Im Gesundheitswesen sollen Spiele die Online-Kommunikation mit Patienten verbes-sern, reale Situationen und Körperfunktionen simulieren und die Rehabilitation fördern. Möglichkeiten der optimalen Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Spiele-/IT-Branche und klinischen Partnern im Hi ...
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