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7 projets européens trouvés

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Nature Exchange Three - Managing our Natural and Cultural Assets

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

Nature Exchange Three - Managing our Natural and Cultural Assets. (NET) Adult Education Staff.For the last 15 years ARCH has used LLP funding to deliver comprehensive programmes in natural and cultural heritage management. ARCH programmes have seen over 1,000 learners from a wide range of government and non-governmental organisations within Scotland visit 12 countries within Europe to learn about ...
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Nature Exchange Two -managing our natural and cultural assets

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

Nature Exchange Two - Managing our Natural and Cultural Assets. For the last 14 years ARCH has used LLP funding to deliver comprehensive programmes in natural and cultural heritage management. ARCH programmes have seen over 1,000 learners from a wide range of government and non-governmental organisations within Scotland visit a variety countries within Europe to learn about the different ways in w ...
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...n• Map of currently used meteorological indices with respect to climate change• Proposed set of indicators to harmonise climate change monitoring• Reports pilots forestry and agriculture• State of play adaptation policies and sectorial actionFor more information see:
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actical Use of MONITORing in Natural Disaster Management (MONITOR II)

Date du début: 31 mai 2009, Date de fin: 29 mai 2012,

Management of natural hazards constitutes a common challenge in the SEES. Until now, neither hazard mapping nor contingency planning have been transnationally coordinated and defined in a sufficient manner. These gaps will be tackled in MONITOR II with the development of a common methodology and a CSA ("Continuous Situation Awareness") system. The integration of monitoring systems facilitates peri ...
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FUTUREforest - Woodlands for Climate Change (FUTUREforest)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2008, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2011,

...olicies and forest management practices. The partnership consists of six regional public forestry authorities, one regional association and one national public forestry authority from seven EU Member States. (1) Ministry of Rural Development, Environment and Consumer Protection of the Federal State of Brandenburg, Germany, (short: Brandenburg); (2) Forestry Commission Wales, United Kingdom, ( Wale ...
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Background Forests cover about 30% of Europe, providing high value concerning: biodiversity; carbon sequestration; soil and water protection; and the economic contribution of goods and services. However, climate change, air pollution and changes in land use are threatening the health, stability and sustainability of forests and their values. On top of th ...
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Network Mountain Forest (NMF)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2007,

The operation Network Mountain Forest (NMF) focuses on concerted actions for the enhancement of mountain and protective forests and associated potentials for disaster prevention (e.g., avalanches, land slides). Due to the high sensitivity of mountain forests and their importance for protective measures, several relevant transboundary and/or EU measures have been developed, such as the Alpine Conve ...
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