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7 projets européens trouvés

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Capacity building of Kaliningrad City Hall in the environmental performance

Date du début: 16 sept. 2002, Date de fin: 15 mars 2005,

...nd building up” – the latest version of this document is consistent with the new City Planning Code. • “Municipal standard for storage and exchange of spatial information” – this document was approved by the Resolution #206 of the City Council deputies in 2004 The documents have taken into account european experience, including knowledge gained during a study tour to Germany and ...
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Rivers in SEE region are often threatened by unsustainable use, increasing human pressure, and problems of increased floods and droughts driven by climate change. Inhabitation of floodplain areas, hydropower utilization, navigation, gravel and sand extraction, unsustainable tourism etc. lead to changes in morphology, increased pollution, degradation of aquatic habitats, as well as land use conflic ...
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As population of our cities grow, so does land area and this result in increase of an average temperature. The buildings and roads absorb temperature produced during the day, like giant heaters, and store it. The energy is then released during the night time. This often means a big difference in the temperature between city and its surrounding areas.This phenomenon is called the Urban Heat Island ...
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BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites (BE-NATUR)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2011, Date de fin: 30 janv. 2014,

One of the current most important and demanding challenges is to face the loss of biodiversity, encompassing the diversity of both habitat and species types. A strong EU legal basis for the nature conservation provides the foundation for the preservation of the EU natural heritage. We refer in particular to Habitats and Birds Directives, whose design of Natura 2000 network is based on. The SEE Cou ...
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Protected Areas (PA) play an important role for sustainable territorial policies.Often perceived as a limit to economical growth, PA´s have to face up anthropic pressures reconciling economic interests with ecological requirements. New integrated plans based on a transnational framework will be fostered to improve PA sustainable growth. Increasing awareness and diminishing economical and social ...
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Urban Green as a Key for Sustainable Cities (GreenKeys)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2005, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2008,

GreenKeys focuses on the improvement of urban green spaces as a step for more sustainable cities. The three main objectives are (1) to provide incentives for structural changes in cities by offering possibilities for improvement of green spaces. The partner cities will develop together with local stakeholders a strategic approach for the pilot project to create new or improve existing green areas ...
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The protection of areas and sites is one of the most important instruments of modern, anticipating strategies in nature conservation and planning for sustainable spatial development. Therefore, an enormous increase of number and acreage as well as the number of categories of sites has been registered. The management of these sites has become a challenge for conservation and other sectors, mainly r ...
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