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2 projets européens trouvés

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Optimization of Oxygen-based CFBC Technology with CO2 capture (O2GEN)

Date du début: 18 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 17 oct. 2015,

The project objective is to demonstrate the concept of the second generation oxyfuel combustion that reduce significantly (50%) the overall efficiency penalty of CO2 capture into power plants, from approximately 12 to 6 efficiency points.One of the main drawbacks of CCS is the additional energy used for operation. This energetic penalty reduces the power plant efficiency, and increases the cost of ...
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This project is aiming at the scaling-up of one of the most promising concepts for CO2 capture from coal power plants: postcombustion carbonate looping systems. This project focuses on the experimental pilot testing and scaling up of the process at scales in the 1 MW range. The 1 Mw carbonate looping pilot will be built in the Hunosa 50 Mwe CFB coal power plant of “La Pereda”, using a side stream ...
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