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2 projets européens trouvés

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Demokrati - ett livsval för unga i Europa

Date du début: 1 févr. 2010,

...nisations arised, with the aim to support and discuss democracy. The four participating organisations are the following: " YES, the vocational education centre of the social enterprise Basta, Sweden" RossTensta Gymnasium, Sweden" Malatya Youth Center in Malatya, Tukey" International Youth Change and Youth Center Club in Malatya, TurkeyThe goal of the project is to promote young people's commitment ...
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VISCED aims to make an inventory and to carry out a systematic review at international and national levels of innovative ICT-enhanced learning/teaching "Exemplar" initiatives and "e-mature" major secondary and post-secondary education providers for the 14-21 age group (including Virtual Schools and Colleges). This inventory will supply adequate comparative data, statistics and analyses to underpin ...
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