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10 projets européens trouvés

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"A sustainable and efficient freight transport in Europe plays a vital role in having a successful and competitive economy. Freight transport is expected to grow by some 50 % (in tonne-kilometres) by 2020. However rail has, in many areas, been displaced from a dominant position as road transport services have grown and developed in capability and levels of sophistication that have not been matche ...
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Logistics and Overland Transport Network for Training "Blue Collars" (LogOnTrain)

Date du début: 29 avr. 2013, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

...vailable simulation, modelling and IT-based software - Introduction of package laboratory IT-programme of Valga County Vocational Training Centre to the public - Introduction of RFID programme of St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications - Adaptation of railway costs calculation IT system of St Petersburg State Transport University 4. Publicity measures undertaken to attract the atte ...
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Network of European – Asian Rail Research capacities (NEAR2)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2012, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014,

The rapid development of Asian economies, particularly China, India and Russia has dramatically increased the trade volumes between Europe and Asia, with the largest trading partners of Europe actually being located in Asia. Nowadays, the most important trade loads are being transported between the two continents by sea. Railway transport, using the existing and new land routes for the Trans-Euras ...
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"Contributing to the European Research Area in surface transport to strengthen the competitiveness of the European surface transport sector. This will be achieved by using the excellent EURNEX competence to provide research excellence capabilities to European Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs). Furthermore the cooperation with research excellencies from non EU countries will stimulate resear ...
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East-West Window (EastWest Window)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2007, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2008,

The main aim of the East West Window project was to accelerate the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) development through better connecting of the existing potentials within the Region. Achievements: * Assessment of unused innovation potential in NW Russia and recommendations ...
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Initially it was thought that over 200,000,000 tons of Dangerous Goods (DG) per year moves in BSR (plus over 100M tons in NW Russia) mostly through densely populated areas, imposing real health and safety risks to people and environment. After the data gathering and reporting in DaGoB, the actual figure is close to 1,000,000,000 tons in the entire BSR region, which was substantially more than anti ...
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Le projet MieGVF s’inscrit dans une problématique géopolitique et économique majeure à l’échelle européenne et mondiale : la grande vitesse ferroviaire (GVF). Ce mode de transport respectueux de l’environnement constitue une réponse adaptée aux enjeux de notre société en matière de développement durable.Conscientes de ces enjeux, la Russie et l’Ukraine ont élaboré leur plan stratégique pour dévelo ...
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The Project is in line with the principles of the Bologna process which aims at creating a European Area for Higher Education through a common new degree system, a European dimension to quality assurance and the recognition of degrees and study periods abroad. Project wider objective is to raise safety and efficiency of traffic flows (aviation, maritime, road, and rail) while decreasing environmen ...
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The Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programme gives the consortium of 8 EU and 12 RF partners the opportunity to build up a blueprint for a university exchange scheme modelled after the Bologna acquis and the guidelines of the Erasmus programme. The number of mobility flows, the broad coverage of various thematic priority fields, the integration into several existing co-operation projects will greatly enh ...
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The Erasmus Mundus External Co-operation window gives the consortium of 8 EU and 12 RF partners the opportunity to build up a blueprint for a university exchange scheme modelled after the Bologna acquis and the guidelines of the Erasmus programme. The number of mobility flows, the broad coverage of various thematic priority fields, the integration into several existing co-operation projects will g ...
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